Commercial truck drivers in Indiana are often under a lot of pressure. They have to ensure that they deliver goods on time, and often have to drive for long periods. This can be difficult, especially if the driver is distracted. If you're a truck driver, it's...
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Month: November 2022
When patients are injured or abused in nursing homes
It can be an honor and a privilege to be a caregiver for our aging Indiana loved ones. But not anyone can handle the responsibilities associated with doing so If you have placed a loved one at a long-term care facility, you should be aware of signs associated with...
Bedsores are often a sign of nursing home neglect
Nursing home residents in Indiana and around the country are more likely to develop bedsores than younger bedridden patients because they are not as mobile, have thinner skin and often suffer from medical conditions that weaken their immune systems. Bedsores, which...
Some information about slip and fall accidents
Slip-and-fall accidents send more people to the emergency room than any other type of incident. While you may imagine that these accidents create only minor injuries, they can create long-term disabilities and can be fatal. If you have been a victim of a slip-and-fall...
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