Flaming car accidents are unfortunately not just something that the minds of cinema invented to look dramatic on the big screen. Every day, many car crashes involve some degree of flame.
It is important for drivers to understand the differences between burn severity and how these burn injuries can affect a person’s life.
Temple Health discusses burn degree severity among burn injury victims. These injuries get ranked in degrees, with first-degree burns having the smallest impact and third-degree burns having the biggest and worst impact.
First-degree burns usually affect the upper layer of skin only. Typically the victim will not see any blistering. The burned area of skin will look red and feel uncomfortable or painful, especially when touched. This type of burn does not usually require extensive treatment.
Second-degree burns affect the top and second layers of the skin. These burns will have blisters. They will often feel more painful than first-degree burns, sometimes to a dramatic degree. Victims may find it hard to move. These burns also take a longer time to heal and could leave scarring if not treated properly.
Third-degree burns involve all layers of skin and constitute a very serious injury. These burns are usually white or charred looking instead of red. Victims may also feel no pain due to the deadening of nerves in the area. Such burns require immediate medical care to save the victim’s life and limit the chances of complications, though scarring will almost certainly still occur.