Nursing home neglect is a significant problem in Indiana, including in the St. Joseph County area and surrounding region. There are a number of different reasons why nursing home neglect remains an alarming issue in the state. Among these underlying causes of nursing home neglect are issues related to staffing.
Unqualified staff in Indiana nursing homes
Time and again, Indiana nursing homes are found to have unqualified individuals on their staffs. These include people who lack proper training to individuals who have questionable backgrounds that should disqualify them from serving in a nursing home.
Nursing home shuffle: Unqualified staff hopping from one nursing home to another
Another reason why nursing home neglect remains a critical issue in Indiana rests in the fact that unqualified or unsuitable staff members shuffle from one nursing home to another. In other words, with shocking regularity, staff members of nursing homes are discharged for nonfeasance, misfeasance or malfeasance and end up hired by another Indiana facility.
This nursing home shuffle seems to occur at a fairly fast clip. The fact that a staff member dismissed from one facility and is hired in little time at another nursing home underscores a lack of reasonable care being taken by skilled care center administrators in making hiring decisions.
If you or a loved one has been subjected to nursing home neglect, you best protect your vital legal rights by seeking legal representation promptly. More often than not, a family member or other loved one detects that a nursing home resident is neglected or even abused. Indiana nursing home abuse attorneys are adept at working with family members when such a situation arises.