The highways throughout Indiana and other states serve as a necessary means of transportation for 70% of all products sold in stores. With so many products finding their way to retailers on the back of a semi-truck, it’s easy to see why trucking accidents happen so frequently. There are a few common culprits that result in these trucking accidents.
Driver fatigue
The most common cause of trucking accidents is due to fatigued drivers. Truck drivers tend to be overworked due to the high demand for moving goods throughout the country. With little rest as they get behind the wheel, it lowers their ability to drive safely on the roadway. Many studies have shown that drowsy driving is just as dangerous as drunk driving.
Poor driver training
With such a high demand for CDL truck drivers, many new drivers are getting behind the wheel. Unfortunately, some companies are not taking the time to properly train these new employees on how to drive the trucks safely. Since commercial trucks are bigger than many passenger cars, a poor driving mistake can cause a lot more damage.
Some truck drivers are constantly pushing the limits of the clock to get deliveries made on time. One of the ways that drivers try to make up for lost time due to traffic accidents and adverse weather is speeding. Unfortunately, trucks that are loaded take a lot more time to stop than an average vehicle. As truck drivers speed, they create hazardous conditions that can be fatal.
Trucking accidents, by nature, are more dangerous than many vehicular accidents. This is due to the size of the truck compared to other drivers on the road life. The above are just three of many different causes for the majority of the trucking accidents that happen. Victims of such accidents may benefit from hiring personal injury attorneys to help them pursue compensation.