You may hear truck drivers talking about being a professional driver. For some, this title simply means that they drive a truck for a living. However, many inside the industry in Indiana feel that being a professional driver means much more than that. Understanding the true meaning of a professional driver can enable you to know what makes this group of drivers stand out.
According to Trucking Truth, the opinion among truck drivers is that the designation of professional driver is really rooted in attitude. A professional driver is someone who takes driving seriously. If you are a professional driver, you follow road laws, you are courteous to other drivers and you set a good example on the roads.
Being a professional driver is not an official title. It is really about being a friendly and safe driver. A professional has the mentality that driving a big truck is a huge responsibility and that you have to watch out for others on the road. You don’t react with anger if someone cuts you off or pulls out in front of you. Your focus is on keeping yourself and others safe.
As a professional, you keep your cool and practice safe driving at all times. You are someone who new drivers can look up to. While there is no real difference between a driver and a professional driver, those within the industry are very aware of the difference. If you are not a truck driver, you may even notice the difference when interacting with drivers on the roadways. This information is for education and is not legal advice.